Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Shotokan Karate Syllabus First Belt Requirements

Karate classes online takes karateka from white to black belt and beyond. This video shows the karate moves needed for the first belt in our shotokan karate organisation.

These karate moves are very basic, covering, oi zuki, age uke, uchi uke, soto uke, gedan barai, sanbon kumite and kihon kata.

for members of our online karate dojo, there will be full shotokan karate syllabus video tutorials of all the belt requirements.

Visit our karate blog for more karate videos.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Shotokan Karate Video Hikite Shotokan Combination

In this shotokan karate video, we demonstrate a basic combination of shotokan karate techniques, this combination uses different shotokan karate moves, including, kizami zuki, gyaku zuki, uraken, shuto and taesho. This is one of our brown belt shotokan karate exercises. It also involves basic stepping and spinning.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Karate Kata Video Seiunchin

http://karateclassesonline.com Seiunchin Karate kata video, performed by Michael Stevenson, who just returned from the Hayashi-Ha all Japan karate championships, where he not only competed, but managed to train with some great karate masters, including Shihan Akio Minakami, so he's a very lucky karateka.
The great Soke Teruo Hayashi (1924-2004), was the founder, headmaster and president of "Hayashi-Ha Shito-Ryu Kai School of Karate-do" and "Japan Kobudo Kenshin-Ryu-Kai", it has its headquarters in Osaka, Japan.